Am contribuit la numeroase lucrări de cercetare în domeniile ingineriei electrice, nanomaterialelor, senzorilor și sistemelor electromecanice. Studiile mele explorează tehnologii inovatoare pentru senzori electrochimici, actuatori pe baza de magneti permanenti și dispozitive bazate pe nanomateriale, având aplicații în medii industriale, biomedicale și energetice.
Mai jos este o selecție a publicațiilor la care am lucrat, incluzând articole în reviste științifice, conferințe internaționale și simpozioane academice. Aceste lucrări reflectă atât colaborările mele cu alți cercetători, cât și direcțiile mele de interes în dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii.
- Enhacement of a ZnO/ PANi screen-printed carbon electrode with gold nanoparticle for carbon monoxid sensing, Alexandru Trandabat, Alexandru Arcire, Roxana Luisa Mandoc, Mihaela Aradoaei, 2022, 25th International Symposium “Environment and Industry” Simi 2022, 29th September 2022 Bucharest, Romania
- Scan-rate influence on sensing properties of an ethanol electrochemical sensor based on pani-tio2 nanocomposites activated with gold nanoparticle, Alexandru Trandabat, Alexandru Arcire, Roxana Luisa Mandoc, Ramona Simionescu, Mona Adriana Mosneagu (Andrei), 2022, 25th International Symposium “Environment and Industry” Simi 2022, 29th September 2022 Bucharest, Romania
- A new approach for the development of a screen-printed nitrogen sensor based on carbon nanofiber and magnetic nanoparticles Fe2O3 and Fe3O4, Alexandru Trandabat, Alexandru Arcire, Luisa Roxana Mandoc, Adriana Mona Mosneagu (Andrei), Claudiu Narcis Spinu, Eleonora-Mihaela Ungureanu, 22nd Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (RICCCE), Sinaia, ROMANIA, September 7-9, 2022.
- Design of a magnetic spring for variable stiffness actuators, Radu Olaru, Camelia Petrescu, Alexandru Arcire, July 2021, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy – Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science
- A study on of-the-shelf screen-printed carbon electrodes as nitrogenous species detectors, Alexandru F Trandabat, Alexandru Arcire, Octavian Postolache, Nicoleta Vasilache, October 2021, DOI: 10.21698/simi.2021.ab01, International Symposium “The Environment and the Industry”
- Methane and hydrogen gas sensing properties of fullerenes C60 for breath analysing purposes, Marius Andrei Olariu, and Alexandru Arcire, Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, 2019
- Electrostimulated Desorption Hydrogen Sensor Based on Onion-Like Carbons as a Sensing Element, M Olariu, A Arcire, Journal of Electronic Materials 47 (11), 6476-6483, 2018;
- Design and Experiment of an Electromagnetic Vibrational Inertial Actuator Using Linearized Magnetic Spring, R Olaru, M MIHAI, B Girtan, C Petrescu, A Arcire, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques-Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.– Électrotechn. et Énerg. Vol. 63, 3, pp. 253–258, Bucarest, 2018
- A novel vibration actuator based on active magnetic spring, R Olaru, A Arcire, C Petrescu, MM Mihai, B Gîrtan, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 264, 11-17, 2017
- Controlled Trapping of Onion-Like Carbon (OLC) via Dielectrophoresis; M Olariu, A Arcire, ME Plonska-Brzezinska, Journal of Electronic Materials 46 (1), 443-450, 2017
- Study of the magnetic force delivered by an actuator with nonlinear ferrofluid and permanent magnets, R Olaru, A Arcire, C Petrescu, MM Mihai, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 12 (1), 24-30, 2017
- Improving electromanipulation capacity of dielectrophoretic arrays based on variation of interdigitated microelectrode’s geometry, O. Marius and A. Arcire, 2016 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), Iasi, 2016, pp. 037-041. doi: 10.1109/ICEPE.2016.7781298
- A new mathematical model for the command sequence generator of a two-phase hybrid stepper motor,G. Mihalache, G. Livint, V. Horga and A. Arcire, 2016 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), Iasi, 2016, pp. 640-643. doi: 10.1109/ICEPE.2016.7781417
- Vibration mini actuator with magnetically suspended inertial mass, M. Mihai, A. Arcire and R. Olaru 2016 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), Iasi, 2016, pp. 083-086, doi: 10.1109/ICEPE.2016.7781308
- Novel concepts of inertial actuators for vibration based on magnets and ferrofluid, MM Mihai, A Arcire, R Olaru, Bul. Inst. Polit. Iasi, 2016
- A. Arcire and G. Mihalache, “Position control of a bidirectional moving magnet actuator based on contactless hall-effect transducer,” 2015 9th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), Bucharest, 2015, pp. 417-421. doi: 10.1109/ATEE.2015.7133840
- New Linear Actuator with Ferrofluid and Permanent Magnets, R Olaru, A Arcire, C Petrescu, , Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Électrotechn. et Énerg., 60, 2, p. 113–121, Bucarest, 2015 2015
- A Low Cost Noncontact Linear Transducer For Measuring Small Displacement of a Ferrofluid Magnetic Actuator, A Arcire, D Patelli, 8-th International Conference On Electrical And Power Engineering, EPE, 26-18, 2014
- Maximizing the magnetic force generated by an actuator with non-magnetic body in a ferrofluid pre-magnetized by permanent magnets, R Olaru, C Petrescu, A Arcire, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) 8 (2), 904-911, 2013
- An experimental study on the displacement characteristics of a magnetic actuator based on ferrofluid, A Arcire, R Olaru, 2013 Procedings of International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems (SIELMEN), Pages 165-170.
- Study of the influence of ferromagnetic material on the characteristics of an actuator based on ferrofluid and permanent magnets,” A. Arcire, R. Olaru and C. Petrescu 2012 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering, Iasi, 2012, pp. 776-780.
doi: 10.1109/ICEPE.2012.6463838
- Electrical Command Methods for Driving Linear Magnetic Actuators, A Arcire, D Patelli, 8-th International Conference On Electrical And Power Engineering, EPE, 2014
- Investigations on Output Displacement of a Ferrofluid Based Magnetic Actuator, A Arcire, R Olaru, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Din Iaşi, Tomul LIX (LXIII), Fasc. 4, 2013