De-a lungul carierei mele, am fost mereu pasionat de inovație, cercetare și dezvoltarea de soluții tehnologice cu impact real. Această viziune s-a concretizat prin obținerea unor brevete și recunoașteri naționale și internaționale pentru contribuțiile mele în domeniul ingineriei, al strategiilor educaționale și al tehnologiilor interactive. Am fost distins cu medalii de aur și diplome de excelență la multiple ediții ale Salonului Internațional de Invenții „Inventica” pentru proiecte inovatoare în domeniul dispozitivelor interactive, al senzorilor și al sistemelor de navigație inteligentă. De asemenea, am participat la competiții și programe de management și marketing, consolidându-mi expertiza în transformarea ideilor în proiecte sustenabile.

Lista de brevete și distincții de mai jos reflectă angajamentul meu pentru excelență și dorința de a aduce tehnologia mai aproape de oameni prin soluții inovatoare.


  1. Patent RO 123414 B1 “Geopolitical and military strategy board game”
  2. Patent request no. a 2011 00456 “Multimedia device TV console with capacitive multi-touch screen that offers interactive television enriched with informational content from the internet”
  3. Patent pending a 2017 00507 “Resistive Microsensor for hydrogen detection and method for manufacturing”
  4. Attendance to National Competition Event for High schools “Ecopen”- simulated management and marketing 2000
  5. Diploma Management and Marketing for attendance to project management “Your idea, your business”
    for economic restructuring and the revival of some disadvantaged areas from Suceava city, project sponsored by the Association of Teenagers and Sports of Suceava and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Suceava. 10-14 December 2001,
  6. Diploma of Honour received at the at the yearly XIV-th edition of International Salon of Invention, Inventica 2010, 9-11 June, held in Iasi Romania, for high scientific contribution through Patent RO 123414 B1 “Educational strategy game for developing a high level of parallel thinking”
  7. Diploma and Gold Medal at the yearly XV-th edition of International Salon of Invention Inventica 2011, 8-10 June, held in Iasi Romania, for the patent request no. a 2011 00456 “Multimedia TV device for interactive television enriched with web content” 2011
  8. Attendance to a national contest hosted by BRD- GSG and the FIN magazine called „We like your ideas” with themes that targeted the financial domain. 2011
  9. Diploma and Gold Medal in recognition of high scientific contribution received at the at the XVI-th edition of yearly International Salon of Invention Inventica 2012 Iasi Romania” Iași June 13-15 for research study „Interactive navigation system for monitoring and display in real time position in traffic and driver’s vital signs”
  10. Diploma and Gold Medal in recognition of high scientific contribution received at the yearly XVII-th edition of International Salon of Invention Inventica 2013, 19-21 June, held in Iasi Romania for research study entitled “Interactive multifunctional modular device for visualizing digital data”
  11. Diploma and Gold Medal at the at the yearly XVIII-th edition of International Salon of Invention Inventica 2014, 2-4 July, held in Iasi Romania, for research study “Interactive movie with camera viewing angle control”
  12. Diploma of Excellence at “Innovation Week” – within the joint programme Programul Operațional Comun Romania – Ucraina – Republica Moldova 2007-2013